Leaked videos and recordings have revealed that the **Alliance Defending Freedom (ADF)** is allegedly planning to eliminate public schools in America and replace them with religious schools¹. The group has won fifteen Supreme Court cases and is known for its conservative Christian beliefs¹. To achieve their goal, the ADF is reportedly using "model legislation" and lawsuits filed across the country⁴. The group aims to overturn same-sex marriage, enact a total ban on abortion, and strip away the already minimal rights that trans people are afforded in the US⁴. It is important to note that the ADF has been labeled as an "anti-LGBTQ hate group" by the Southern Poverty Law Center⁵. The group has also been accused of supporting the idea that being LGBTQ+ should be a crime in the US and abroad⁶. In summary, the ADF's alleged plan to replace public schools with religious schools is part of a larger campaign to limit the rights of women and LGBTQ+ people in the name o...